Author: Sara May

Maintaining Balance Through All Kinds of Weather

Pool Chemical Balance

Did you know that a heavy rain shower can throw the chemicals in your pool water out of balance?  When the amount of water in a pool changes, whether due to heavy rain or evaporation, the balance of pool chemicals must be adjusted to maintain ideal levels.  Here’s why it’s important:Pool Chemicals

  • Ideal levels of pool chemicals prevent dangerous bacteria from thriving in pool water;
  • Water that is chemically out of balance can actually damage parts of a pool;
  • Eyes and skin can become irritated easily when pool chemicals are not balanced.

Testing your pool’s water frequently is highly recommended, and using the appropriate amount of pool chemicals to bring the water back into balance is an important step in keeping the water safe and your pool in good working order.

Winterizing? Don’t Forget to Clean That Pool!

Dirty Pool

Did you know that cleaning your swimming pool is one of the first and most important steps in winterizing it, but it’s often the step that gets overlooked or skipped?  Once swimming season is over, it’s natural to want to spend as little time as possible getting the pool ready for the winter months.  But, shirking the responsibility of cleaning your pool can invite problems.  When leaves, dirt, and other debris are left in a pool for an extended period of time, they can leave unsightly and permanent stains.  Additionally, the effectiveness of your winterizing chemicals is diminished when a pool contains debris.  Automatic Pool Cleaner

Preventing these problems means brushing down the sides and bottom of the pool with a wall brush, letting all that debris settle to the bottom, and then vacuuming it.  Automatic Pool Cleaners make the job of cleaning a bit easier, and there are a wide variety of automatic pool cleaners available for above ground pools and in ground pools.

Taking that little bit of extra time for cleaning your swimming pool when you winterize is well worth the effort.  You’ll enjoy the fruits of your labor when you reveal a clean, stain-free pool after the winter pool cover comes off next season.

Pool Alarms Required By Law in 2011

Pool Alarms

As of January 1, 2011, new residential swimming pools in Tennessee will be required to have a pool alarm. According to Senate Bill No. 3019, also known as “Katie Beth’s Law,” no swimming pool will pass electrical inspection if a proper pool alarm is not installed. And, as stated in the law, if a building permit is required for construction on a new pool as well as for any alterations made on an existing pool, that building permit will not be granted “unless the project calls for a functioning swimming pool alarm to be installed prior to the completion of the construction project.” Finally, the law requires pool suppliers to clearly post a sign that reads: “State Law Requires a Pool Alarm Be Installed.”

Katie Beth’s Law applies to any residential swimming pool which contains water that is more than 36 inches deep — this includes, but is not limited to, in ground pools, above ground pools, and non-portable spas and hot tubs.

Acceptable pool alarms do not include those that can be strapped to the wrist of a child. Rather, a proper pool alarm must be attached to the pool and must be able to detect when an object or person weighing 15 pounds or more enters the pool’s water. The sound of the alarm must be at least 50 decibels in strength to ensure that it can be heard from inside a home.

Even if you do not live in Tennessee where Katie Beth’s Law applies, installing a high quality pool alarm is an essential step in ensuring the safety of children and pets around the backyard swimming pool. Pool alarms are generally easy to install, and they can bring enormous peace of mind to homeowners.

Please note that pool alarms, or any other safety device, should not be expected to completely replace responsible adult supervision.

Click to read Katie Beth’s Law.

The Time Is Now For an Above Ground Pool

Above Ground Pools

Did you know that the best time to purchase an above ground pool and have it installed is in fall and winter?  It’s true, and here are two major reasons why:

Off Season Sales

After summer, many companies who sell above ground pools have big sales on pools and pool supplies.  Some companies simply want to reduce inventory to make room for next year’s new products.  Many companies, though, have sales because business tends to drop off after summer, and keeping prices low means keeping customers around even during the off-season.

You can get an above ground pool and all of the pool supplies and gear you’ll need for much less money now than if you waited until spring or summer.

Lower Installation Costs

Above ground pool installations are more expensive in the spring and summer because that’s generally when homeowners think about having a pool installed.  Pool installers are much more busy in the spring and summer, and their prices and lack of availability reflect the demand.

But, just like companies who sell pools and pool supplies, companies who install pools tend to experience a drop-off in work after the summer months.  To keep work coming in, pool installation companies usually lower their prices in the fall and winter.

By shopping around, you should be able to find a company who is readily available to install your above ground pool for much less money than if you were to wait until spring.

While swimming pools and pool supplies may be the furthest things from our minds in fall and winter, it is actually the best and most affordable time to be thinking about them.   You can save a significant amount of money by planning ahead, and you can look forward to enjoying your new above ground pool as soon as the weather turns warm next spring.

Affordable Gift Ideas For the Swimming Pool Enthusiast

Great Gift Ideas

What’s the best kind of gift to get?  One that you would like to buy for yourself, but never do.  When it comes to backyard swimming pools, there’s always something else more pressing to pay for — pool chemicals, replacement filter cartridges, upgraded equipment… So, if you are wondering what to get that special pool-loving person in your life, here are some fun and practical ideas that won’t drain your wallet:

Fun Stuff

  • Pool Games — They come in all types and all price ranges.  Think about what kinds of games your friend likesRemote Control Water Soaker to play.  Toss games?  Ball games?  Team games?  Games that can be played solo?  It’s hard to go wrong if you keep in mind your friend’s preferences.
  • Remote Control Toys — Even adults enjoy these pool toys.  Whether your friend would prefer a remote control boat or water soaker, or a more practical (but still fun) remote control water skimmer, you have a number of affordable options from which to choose.

Practical Stuff

  • Fattowels — The ultimate pool towel, the Fattowel is ultra-absorbent and constructed from high quality 100% cotton.  Fat and fluffy, they leave you deliciously dry after a soak in the pool.   This is a practical gift that is always appreciated.
  • Raft and Towel Caddy — This handy item is best reserved as a gift for a family member or close friend because it’s purpose is to tidy up a generally untidy pool deck.  The raft and towel caddy corrals pool floats, balls, and other small pool toys, plus it supplies a nifty bar for hanging wet towels.  This is a gift much appreciated by neatniks (like me) who like to have everything contained.Ergonomic Lounge Chair
  • ErgoLounger — A dream of a lounge chair, this ergonomic beauty is perfect for people who love to read or relax while laying flat on a lounger to soak up the sun.  It’s not easy or comfortable to lay flat on a standard lounge chair, and it can be especially straining to read a book or magazine while facing down. The ErgoLounger, though, provides ergonomic padding and a face hole so that, whether you face up or down on the chair, your body is cushioned appropriately, and you can fully relax or enjoy a favorite book.

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, a fun or practical gift for your pool-loving friend will be greatly appreciated, especially if that gift is something unique that your friend wouldn’t normally think to buy for him or herself.