Author: Trey Collier

About Trey Collier

Grew up as a Military Brat. (Thanks Dad. Hats off to my Mom too as it took a special person to be married to someone in the military) Was a competitive swimmer in high school and in college. 11 years a Red Cross Volunteer, teaching kids & adults how to swim. ARC Water Safety Instructor and WSI Trainer, CPR Instructor/Trainer and Advance First Aid Instructor. Proud Dad of two beautiful girls.

High Tech Way to Extend Life


Dr. Oz on Oprah is raving about a hot new way to burn calories and  extend your life!   A person can burn up to 700 calories by using an Infrared Suana for only 30 minutes.

Infrared heat works by heating only the object or person in the path of the heat waves.  In addition to burning calories, this suana can extend your life by adding numerous  health benefits.  The infrared waves penetrate the body, providing soothing relief for aches, pains, and tensions without causing any harmful efffects to the skin.  It can help relieve these ailments: asthma, nervous tension, arthritis, high blood pressure, bronchitis, rheumatism, bruises and burns, sports injuries, common cold, migraine headaches, muscle pain, and influenza.  Using an infrared sauna increases skin & body temperature, causing sweat & oils to be secreted from the body. At the same time, the harmful toxins that are dissolved in these sweat & oils are secreted as well. This cleansing of toxins can help relieve a variety of symptoms and diseases, including depression, stress, heart disease, digestive disorders, asthma, allergies, high cholesterol, muscle pain, anxiety, headaches, acne, and joint stiffness.

Spending just 30 minutes in an infrared heatwave sauna can burn up to 700 calories, thus being a great weight loss tool. The calories are burned in the perspiration process. The fluid lost can be replaced by drinking water, but the calories burned will not be replaced.



Considering a Safety Pool Cover?

An alarming statistic shows that drowning is the second leading cause of death for children 1-14 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and an extensive study performed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) found that “75 percent of the children involved in swimming pool submersion or drowning accidents were between 1 and 3 years old.”

It is no surprise that The American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] F1346-91 (1996) standard requires that a pool cover hold a minimum of 485 pounds per five square feet to qualify as a safety pool cover.

One of the most crucial safety devices any swimming pool owner should have, though, is a Safety Pool Cover.  Please note that solar pool covers and winter pool covers are not safety covers.

Safety pool covers usually come in two varieties:  Mesh & Solid.   Both types of safety covers are anchored to a deck with straps that pull the cover taut over the pool; the straps usually attach to stainless steel springs and are anchored to recessed brackets in a deck surface.

Mesh safety pool covers are designed for long-term use, such as when closing a pool for winter. Mesh safety pool covers require little maintenance because debris that lands on them blows off the top, and rain and snow drain through the mesh panels; however, with the screen-like material of mesh, some silt and dirt may get through the webbing. On the other hand, because puddles cannot accumulate on the surface, having a mesh-style safety pool cover eliminates the risk of toddlers or pets unexpectedly coming in contact with shallow water.

Solid safety pool coverswork similarly to mesh covers in that they can be secured to a deck by anchors. Solid safety pool covers may not be best for use in areas that receive heavy rain or snowfall. Unlike mesh covers that allow water to drain through the cover, precipitation can accumulate on a solid cover, creating a puddle of water over the pool. The collected water may tend to sag the cover and present a hazard to any small children or pets who, if unsupervised, wander onto to pool cover. To combat this problem, some manufacturers incorporate drain panels into solid vinyl covers.

Safety Pool Covers

Safety Pool Covers

Update Your Swimming Pool In Minutes with Floating Pool Lights

Bring light and beauty to your pool even in the winter months, with floating pool lights and underwater pool lights.  Enjoy the view of your pool as these lights  illuminate the water, and provide a soft glow creating a comfortable atmosphere around the perimeter of the swimming pool. Swimming pool lights will add that extra style and updated feel to your pool without spending a fortune.  Depending on the look you are going for, there are many styles to choose from.  Some have spinning lights that create a continually changing pattern of light that displays on the bottom and sides of your swimming pool.  Some are solar powered

pool lights

while others require batteries.  No matter which style of lighting  you decide on, your evenings around the swimming pool can be extended as you relax and enjoy the atmosphere provided with quality swimming pool lights.