Balance Your Pool With Our Chemicals Chart


Make sure that you maintain the ideal chemical levels for your pool. Swimming in a clean, balanced pool will ensure that you have the most enjoyable time. Follow the chart below to make sure that you have the right pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and stabilizer levels or the right pool chemicals to get them there!




2.0 Shock the pool Turn chlorinator down


7.4   Summer

7.8   Winter

Add soda ash *Add muriatic acid (diluted)
Total Alkalinity


80-100 ppm Add baking soda

(Sodium Bicarbonate)

**Add muriatic acid
Calcium hardness


250-500 ppm Add calcium chloride Drain pool and refill


20-50 ppm Add Cyanuric Acid Drain pool and refill

* Add acid by spreading around pool or pour into pool in front of return jet. Pool should be running when doing this so the acid spreads throughout the pool as rapidly as possible.

** Pour acid into a three to five foot circle in the deepest part of the pool while the pump is off.  Allow to set for at least 20 minutes before turning pump on.

About Trey Collier

Grew up as a Military Brat. (Thanks Dad. Hats off to my Mom too as it took a special person to be married to someone in the military) Was a competitive swimmer in high school and in college. 11 years a Red Cross Volunteer, teaching kids & adults how to swim. ARC Water Safety Instructor and WSI Trainer, CPR Instructor/Trainer and Advance First Aid Instructor. Proud Dad of two beautiful girls.

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