Have you ever woken up and peeked outside toward your backyard swimming pool only to see that some poor critter had its final “swim” during the night? Do you ever worry that your family pet might accidentally meet the same fate? Even if your pet is no stranger to being in the pool, getting out of a pool is not always easy for animals — even if they have been shown where the pool’s stairs are located. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of pets and other animals drown in backyard swimming pools every year in the U.S. alone. Ensuring their safety is easy, though, thanks to the Skamper-Ramp.
Featured on The Early Show, Good Morning America, Animal Planet, and in local news segments around the country, the Skamper-Ramp is an inexpensive, durable, and easy solution that provides animals with a safe way out of a pool and gives pool owners peace of mind. Skamper-Ramp is a necessary accessory that not only helps your family pet, but also the miscellaneous frogs, snakes, possums, and squirrels that somehow find their way into your pool when you’re not watching.

Possum Finds His Way Out