Did you know that the best time to purchase an above ground pool and have it installed is in fall and winter? It’s true, and here are two major reasons why:
Off Season Sales
After summer, many companies who sell above ground pools have big sales on pools and pool supplies. Some companies simply want to reduce inventory to make room for next year’s new products. Many companies, though, have sales because business tends to drop off after summer, and keeping prices low means keeping customers around even during the off-season.
You can get an above ground pool and all of the pool supplies and gear you’ll need for much less money now than if you waited until spring or summer.
Lower Installation Costs
Above ground pool installations are more expensive in the spring and summer because that’s generally when homeowners think about having a pool installed. Pool installers are much more busy in the spring and summer, and their prices and lack of availability reflect the demand.
But, just like companies who sell pools and pool supplies, companies who install pools tend to experience a drop-off in work after the summer months. To keep work coming in, pool installation companies usually lower their prices in the fall and winter.
By shopping around, you should be able to find a company who is readily available to install your above ground pool for much less money than if you were to wait until spring.
While swimming pools and pool supplies may be the furthest things from our minds in fall and winter, it is actually the best and most affordable time to be thinking about them. You can save a significant amount of money by planning ahead, and you can look forward to enjoying your new above ground pool as soon as the weather turns warm next spring.
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