SolarChlor® Solar-Powered Chlorine and Ion Generator
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SolarChlor® Solar-Powered Chlorine and Ion Generator

Save money and time with the power of solar technology!

Save money and time with the SolarChlor® by reducing the circulation time and the amount of chhemicals used in your pool. There is no plumbing, no electrical hook-ups, and no energy consumption. The SolarChlor® works all day long even when its cloudy, and will turn salt into chlorine and generate charged ions to hinder algaae growth. Also protects the metal fixtures in your pool from the corrosion caused by salt! This system can be used in both saltwater and fresh water pools. It's reccommended for pools up to 15,000 gallons for a salt pool or 10,000 gallons for a fresh water pool. For larger pools, use multiple units.

Features of SolarChlor® Chlorine and Ion Generator
  • Turns itself on everyday and turns off at night fall
  • No electrical hazards
  • Use in spas, pools, and fountains
  • Adjustable chlorine output
  • 3 year limited warranty
  • 5 year average life

  • Features of Benefits:
  • You can save hundreds of dollars a year
  • Cell plates never have to be replaced
  • Cell plates self clean every 4 hours
  • No changes needed to your existing equipment

  • This item has been discontinued. We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Last Updated: 09/12/2024 02:11 PM - ID:5817