Step 1
Prior to closing your pool, make sure your water is chemically balanced. Adjust levels if
necessary. This step is very important because it protects the pool from corrosion or
scale buildup that can occur during the period when the pool is shut down. Your chemical levels
should be as follows:
- pH: 7.2 - 7.6
- Alkalinity: 80 - 120 parts per million
- Calcium Hardness: 175 - 250 parts per million
- Chlorine: 1 - 3 parts per million
Step 2
Remove all deck
equipment (ladders, rails, etc.).
Step 3
Brush down the floor and sides of your pool and then vacuum. If you leave dirt and debris
in your pool, it can cause staining.
Step 4
Add winterizing chemicals by broadcasting into the deep end of the pool to
help protect water quality during the winter months.
Step 5
Clean the filter, skimmer, and pump basket. Remove all unused chlorine product from
chlorinator. Cartridge filter elements and D.E. grids should be cleaned and stored. If you
have a sand filter, backwash it.
Step 6
Lower the water in the pool below the returns (where the water jets into the pool) and the skimmer. NEVER COMPLETELY DRAIN A POOL! Using an air compressor or shop vac (attached to
the blower side of the vac), blow water out of the system by forcing air down the skimmer and
through the plumbing.
Step 7
Cap off return lines by using threaded plugs, or use expandable rubber plugs if your returns are not threaded. Add anti-freeze by pouring it through the skimmer. Use 1 gallon of anti-freeze per 10 feet of
distance from the pump to the pool.
Step 8
Remove all drain plugs
from the pump, filter tank, and any other pool equipment. Follow the manufacturer's instructions
for your specific equipment. Place all drain plugs in the pump basket for storage.
Step 9
Place a winter cover over the pool surface, black side down. We carry winter covers for above ground pools and for in-ground pools. We also carry safety pool covers.
Step 10
Place a cover pump in the center of the pool cover to drain off excess water accumulation. This is
very important because too much water on top of the cover can cause the cover to rip or
pull the cover and water tubes into the pool (very messy cleanup).
Last Updated: 01/07/2025 05:15 AM - ID:1700